环球要闻:Guangdong's animation IP GG Bond wins two provincial awards

2023-07-05 22:05:54 来源:羊城派

Guangdong WinSing Animation Co., Ltd. (WinSing Animation) has received two prestigious provincial awards for its two animated works: "GG Bond: Dinosaur Diary" and "GoGoBus and TeamSteam Season 1".


Previously, WinSing Animation"s four productions, including "GG Bond: Guarding" and "GG Bond: Fairy Tales of the Brick Kingdom", had won provincial awards for four consecutive years. This year marks the first time WinSing Animation has received awards in both the animation film and television categories.

As an integral part of Guangdong"s cultural industry, the province"s animation companies have been actively leading the trend and achieving remarkable success. According to data, in 2022, the revenue of Guangdong"s digital creative industry cluster reached 572.8 billion yuan, with an added value of 144.2 billion yuan.

"GG Bond: Dinosaur Diary" is the sixth installment in the GG Bond series of animated films. Released during the May Day holiday in 2021, the movie broke the record for the highest box office earnings for an animated film during the holiday period in Chinese cinema history. This year, the newly released "GG Bond: Racing 72H" surpassed 10 million yuan in box office revenue on its opening day, claiming the top spot for box office earnings in the same genre during the May Day holiday.

GG Bond, as a national IP, has become a shining cultural emblem not only in Guangdong but throughout China. With 18 years of broadcast history, GG Bond has amassed a large fan base, and its characters have become deeply ingrained in people"s hearts. To date, WinSing Animation has released eight series of animated films within the GG Bond franchise.

"GoGoBus and TeamSteam" is a science-themed animation series launched by WinSing Animation in 2020. It is also the first 4K long-form animation in China and the only domestically produced TV animation selected by MIP Junior"s five-member jury for its exceptional quality at the Cannes International Film Festival in France. Currently, the series has been broadcast in countries and regions such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Chinese Hong Kong, and Chinese Taiwan.

Over the years, WinSing Animation has launched several well-known original animation IPs, including "GG Bond" and "GoGoBus and TeamSteam". The company has produced more than 100 animated TV series and films, which are distributed on over 150 platforms around the world, reaching audiences in more than 50 countries and regions.







《百变校巴之超学先锋》是咏声动漫2020年全新推出的科普类题材动画,同时是全国首部4K长篇动画,成为国产电视动画至今为止唯一一部在法国戛纳影展入选MIP Junior全球五部评委重点推荐优秀作品。目前,该系列动画片已在印尼、马来西亚、新加坡、文莱、中国香港、中国台湾等地区上线播出。

多年来,咏声动漫成功开发“猪猪侠”“百变校巴”“超学先锋”等系列知名原创动漫IP,累计推出超过100部动画电视及动画电影,旗下作品在境内外超过150家播放平台播出,覆盖50多个国家和地区。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

文 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 黄宙辉 通讯员 龙金莲图 | 咏声动漫提供翻译 | 刘佳慧

来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 戚美青校对 | 周勇

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