保中工业商会副会长:中欧文明合作为国际关系树立典范|世界观 每日速讯

2023-05-01 20:27:18 来源:中国新闻网


保中工业商会副会长:中欧文明合作为国际关系树立典范|世界观保加利亚-中国工业商会副会长王毅夫(Ivo Ganchev)近日接受中新网专访时表示,近期,中法欧三方对话,向世界传递了乐观积极的信号。中欧双方的关系以文明合作为框架,为其他国家之间的关系起到模范作用。他同时认为,欧洲领导人已经厌倦了美方一而再再而三地催促欧洲国家对华采取强硬立场的做法。点击此处查看视频(陈天浩)

Messages out of the talk between China, France and the EU are optimistic and positive. The EU-China relation is conducted in a civil and cooperative manner, which can set a good example for other great countries’ relations as well, said Ivo Ganchev, Vice-Chairman of the Bulgarian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He also noted that European governments prefer that the U.S. stops nagging them to take a tougher stance against China.

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